Oasis F1


  • An early maturing Indeterminate round hybrid tomato.
  • Suited for both greenhouse and outdoor production with excellent setting ability.
  • Can be grown all year round
SKU: N/A Categories: ,


  • Days to maturity: 70 -80 days
  • Plant Population:12,500 – 16,000 plants on a double stem in open field 28,000 – 30,000 plants per ha on a single stem in the greenhouse
  • Fruit: Round, smooth, bright red, uniform color fruit
  • Average fruit weight: 220-230g
  • Color:  Bright Red
  • Shelf life: -14 days and small calyx and it produces up to 8 fruits per cluster

Additional information

Pack Size

5,000Seeds, 1,000Seeds, 500Seeds, 250Seeds, 100Seeds, Foil Pack

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